Friday, December 08, 2006


lifes goin on pretty well.........out here....each day seems lik sumthin im lukin upto an tats really gr8 rather better frm hw i was...hw broke....sumtimes certain things seems so complicated in life i still luv him? sumtimes i hate him hate jus cant b ta wrd...but durin ta others i feel its totally impossible to forget ta one u once luved truly,madly,deeply....was wonderin hw my horizons r gonna open up later........its so complicated as long i was wit him he was one i imagined to b ta 1 ta 1 who i wil b wit no mater wat...ta tragedy here is dat wen he used to put me in tat position i used to keep tellin him a milion times wen u don even knw wats gona hapen by ta end of ta day hw culd u envisage a moment 10yrs later,,,...then distance got ta better of me an i started imaginin stuff..dreams can sumtimes b so very satisfyin an i was livin in such a world until a day came .....a day i always expected but always hoped it never cam to me... a day wer a new character cam to picture....cumon hw long can a poor bloke dream of ta same old gal?? so well he decided he needs a make ta gal is stil attimes stuck in tat reverie but then who wants to knw wat hapened to ta gal?.........i wanna prove tat idiot r make him feel tat worst for havin lost image makeover culd do ta trick lik wat he tat soon wil happen.........

apart frm this whole past mess...lifes k...guess its gettin better each day bcoz of my i hav gotten to bcuma realshp advicer can u believe it? an a lotta ma frnds entrust me 4 der problems....relationshps r so complex...rather ironic too......its lik u get along wit sum1 u knw it wont last but stil go through it,,,,,fall in ta luv pit in da process........then ttats wen its been time u havent cried a while r had sad times so by sum kinda illusion t a realshp breaks an der u get a chance to weep....for sum dis weeepin stretch lasts for jus max 2 weeks next and ta next 1 springs by.....for ta very truthful luvers tat pain may last 4 years.......guess its better off not easier simpler life....



At 2:12 AM , Blogger Arvind Natarajan said...

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At 2:13 AM , Blogger Arvind Natarajan said...

its true 5.handling relationships is indeed difficult,but then u still can do ur cannot satisfy everyone's needs.tat guy does not deserve true love,so he wont get it.why should the gal weep over the past.y cant she jus remain single and enjoy her life with family and friends??
or if she wants she can go marry another guy of her choice.rite?
Life is all about making the right choices.choices play an important role in our lives.Think 4 urself,how ,many times ve u felt bad/guilty or happy/glad over having made a certain decision/choice in life??
ur life ll go exactly the way u want it to go provided u make the right choices.
innum puriyalena kadavalukku thaan velicham

At 11:51 PM , Blogger Balaji said...

^^^ agree to arvind.. but apart from tat u know this tat u gotta take chances in life...wat if it all happens when the relationship gets even more serious ?? it wud ve a drastic effect on the gal !! its hurts the its betta tat we learn from our past relationships..wat wud happen n how to handle it !! its nothin drastic now...u gotta ve u heart broken several times to know tat u ve one n how to use it @ rite time !!
chalo take life wat is it...jump rite n show wat ur skills like !!experience is the comb n hair is the life !! so the life depends how u comb with ur experiences !! Jus 4get it n carry on with ur routine friends , family , fun !! :-)


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