Tuesday, October 24, 2006

my NeW MaKeOvEr LiFe..

pink blossoms,bright days,
colourful hues everywer,
des tiny drops of rain
r fillin me wid joy...
im passin dis unknwn land
filled wid ta most beautiful things...
feels lik happy days ahead..
sorrow,hatred,an tears r gonna b unheard of..from nw
r atleast it seems so....
dis gr8 sudden energy inside mee
wat ta hell is it i cant fathom..
is this wat is luv?
am i really in luv?
as im questioning dis 2 myself,
its lik as if
im runnin across dis serene green field
in happiness
sumthin unexplainable


my NeW MaKeOvEr LiFe..

pink blossoms,bright days,
colourful hues everywer,
des tiny drops of rain
r fillin me wid joy...
im passin dis unknwn land
filled wid ta most beautiful things...
feels lik happy days ahead..
sorrow,hatred,an tears r gonna b unheard of..from nw
r atleast it seems so....
dis gr8 sudden energy inside mee
wat ta hell is it i cant fathom..
is this wat is luv?
am i really in luv?
as im questioning dis 2 myself,
its lik as if
im runnin across dis serene green field
in happiness
sumthin unexplainable

Sunday, October 01, 2006

SLiPpEd OnCE iN LiFe....

y was i ditched? i keep askin dis question a million times in my mind...sumtimes i console myself it was for the better it all haapened...on the other side i feel as if r rather im unfit a person for a relationship ....either ways... i really feel i hav matured in my own ways aftr my first ever relationship wid a guy...sumtimes.. i really don knw if wat i do is rite r wrong...i wish i had atime turner in life an unturned many things in life..An now...i don knw if i shuld go on wid my own life steppin into another relationship bravely...wat if im ditched again? ta inner voice wid tat fear is wat is tat which prevents me...i seroiusly feel der is no big use in life stayin in a realtionship for sum few months then callin it off.. tat thought makes me feel as if im dis call gal who is "used" an sent off coz der its lik a "no strings attached" thing an love r ta word itself plays no role der ....

lost in thoughts...

my first blog out here...im really lost ...in deep thoughts... don knw watever im doin is rite r wrong...y shuld life b so complicated...bein 17 is sooo soo difficult... these feelings inside mee.. don knw wat its tryin to decipher.... dis fear of losing my grip is over ruling.. mee..

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