Thursday, January 25, 2007

BeInG uNAttRaCtiVe>>>

hmmm....well well....i suddenly had dis big urge to write a post lik dis... letme start.. well i was NEVER this drop dead gorgeous kinda gal in life...still i always felt gud about myself no matter what.....skool life thought me so much more in life an ta BEIN PRETTY factor actually never played a role atall there....what really matered there was being yourself....hmmm...but as we go forward in life u realise tat homely atmosphere in skool can never be brought life atmosphere is so hostile...i really feel kinda fish outta water attimes here...noone can ever beat those gud guys i had in skool.....der wer ta best...ta sweetest....sumtimes i don even feel gud even a single minute out here in dis hostile world......why the hell do i mask my face wit those upteen riguorus beauty regimes ? does is matter at all here?i realise ta harsh turth tat it aint makin me feel any better ta unatractive kind,..... an im here to mak ppl lik me feel more better of i list a few advantages of bein UNATTRACTIVE.........
  • the number one addvantage.... you dont ever face a one guy a day proposing to you kind of a senario,.....
[[[pretty gals think dis is by far the most self satisfying task in der life.......ta cheap pleasure in admitting a miilion guys hav so far proposed to they hav turned all of them down........> this sucks big time becoz u end up breakin a miilion hearts b4 u die,,,,,an i secrctly hope ta heart dey fall for turns them down realise hw painful tat really is.....ta other thing apart frm dis here is y wuld a guy whom u talk u each day suddenly poop question as to "hey u single"??if tat so called pretty damsel admits a "yes" tat idiot will b lik "hey i luv you!" wats fuckin confuisin here is......nw is tat guy truly havin anythin atall for her...r is he jus termin the most wonderful word in the world jus 4 ta fact tat shes single??hmmmm....]]]
  • number dont need to bee so conscious about yourself if u aint tat drop dead gorgeous prototype!!
[[[oo my God!!i hav been in dis current hostile world for ta past 6 i thank ta stars tat i aint pretty......i don care a dam about hw my hair luks all day.,..for tat matter if my shoes watch earring match my dress......!wat r these women so consicous for?? if u do things for u its k i guess des ppl try caterin to ta gaping crowd endlessly dis way!! im lucky!!]]]
  • you get to make everlasting frndshps wit ppl who luv u for who u not hw ur body is..!!
[[[If you are a girl with attitude,,,you can just walk off in between a converstation wit a guy who crosses his limits....but ta general so called Ms. gorgeous never does this....i keep figurin out why?does she really feel tat lloathe guy wants to really b frnds wit her for who she is?? ya rite!! > its lust baby im 10,000% ..... sure.... shes having dis fan club of hers around her becoz they lusttt abt ta frame shes well pretty women will never realise tat!]]]
  • You b yourself and dont tend to be "THE PERSON" the crowd likes...
[[[these self obsssed 'pretty women' trun me mad! dis is a very generalised statement by my study over ta years,,,,,,...what the hell? dey think dey hav dis awesum attitude in them...but the truth is they hav dis brsin in ta size of a "pea".......cant they do things for themselves for heavens sake??they are by far the MOST weakest creatures in earth....they will do aanything so tat ta crowd accepts them.....der identity is lost here..... they make decisions jus cos ta mob crowd feels sumthin is rite........wake up baby,,,, try bein urself for atleast one minute in urlife...!!]im LucKy!!]]
  • You dont need to be worried people will turn u down sumday!!
[[lik i care!!i dont giv a fuckin shit if guys switch to ta next pretty gal on the dosent change my life.....moreover frndshp with guys lik these are better to b turn down by those so called attratctive.......than to worry endlessly if sumday....the fanclub shifts focus.....these women r surrounded by insecurities alwayssss an who wants to hav such a load os stress 24/7?? not ME !!]]

To finally sum it all up i feel its far far better in this world tat u aint born pretty.....the guys definitions of the word PRETTY stoop down to such CheaP LEvels tat its better that u areant liked for ta ohh soo "38-30-38" kind of a frame..... r the perfect "34-28-36 frame an fair skin.......!!....yuck an its sick to realise ta guys mentality out here...though sumtimes i feel im out of the crowd....i guess its better of not being in such a crowd wit a mentality like this......i luv matter how unattractive to ta general crowd i may b....!! like i care any fucking shit about the crowd.......!!tats a womeN with ATTITUDE baBy!!LiVE 4 u an not 4 otherzz!! b urself ,luv urself.....

Sunday, January 14, 2007

ta tHIN line between LUV an HATE...........

wantd to always write a post lik dis...........
bout ta

1.its makes u blind!
2.u lose ur mind

3. ur left wit only pain
4. ur confidence levels goes down ta drain once everythin is over
5.U tend to FoRGET your best buddies wen u r in ta peak of luv!
6. ta he r ta she is 10,000% not gonna b wit u forever
7.its suckss
8.its so fake an unreal in dis generation

9. u tend to giv sooo much finally don get anythin
10.ur studies goes down ta drain in ta process
11.u start bein ta impresser rather than bein urself!
12. u lose ur identity eventually...

13.u jump to moves.......witout even knwin tat guy/gal
14. u becum used lik hell
15.its never true from ta heart.....

16.cos ta first time we feel we r in luv it always tends to b wit ta WRONG person..
17. u live for ta other rather than urself........he/she may not even realise tat till ta end...
18. u sacrifice for too much an stand b4 him finally to hear ta words " sweetheart lets break up i luv sumone else now...sorry.....r lets jus b friends from now"
19.tears sadness despair becum ur friends aftr a while
20. at the end of ta fairy tale u walk ALONE........unlike ta usual "AND THEY LIVED happily EVER AFTR"..................

but here r also.....a list of

1. its a surreal feeling
2.its gud as long it lasts
3.u feel so close to if dey r a part of u//

4.each moment wit tat special him r her makes u feel soooooo nice
5.u get to hav great dreams.........

6. u get to hav castles in air kinda discussions those xtreme ones u ucldnt hav imagined gettin wit anybody else
7.u tend to tak things in ta positive side till ta very end

8.u fact tat u wont even realise u truly luv sumone....until u miss them...
9. to cum to an xtent of termin tat guy r gal THE ONE born for u...........

10. its a feel gud factor,,, u tend to feel so nice an happy bout urself wen u get to knw sumone admires u........

So ppl out der....ta those u havent fallen in luv as yet all i can say tat it a complicated thing...its like a SWEET POISON.........but being is luv is definitely ta most greatest feeling on earth.....jus tat don xpect much...jus live ta moment an b happy u lived through tat..........cos nothing an noone is permanent in life.........keep telling urself tat.........der was noone to advice me such stuff b4 i fell in luv an later wen everythin was over i jus culdnt tak it........tat terible trauma phase i went well i feel im in luv again but THIS time frm day one i kept telling my mind its k even if it doesnt last aftrall nothin is permament...not even me........Now i knw even dis is gonna end it may really pain but i guess i hav grown up to understand hw it works..........i guess i will face it wit GRIT AN CONFIDENCE dis time............

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Thursday, January 04, 2007

THoSe WhErE tA BeST DaYs oF MY liFe!!

skool life of mine...........was too gud...those days of fun..those days of double plaits,ribbons,skool uniforms,polished shoes.........i dunno wat to say i miss it an my gang of friends an ta fun we used to hav in class....everythin jus seems lik matter wat i can never bring bak those past,sushi,an gowri in ta second last row laughin our way to glory one free perid playin "fuzzy duck"....ta guys playin their big inevntion of ta century a game called "bingo" framed by them wer dey indirectly get a chance to "site" us.......those days wer me an pika used to do everything but listen to ta dummest an most boarin maths class frrm justice rajendran r so we called him..sittin in ta last row...,those days of zillion chit passin bet. we ta one tat used to iritate me most wen to two romantic luv birds of my class arun an jimmy used to pass chits frm two ends of ta class an me an pika wer strategically palced at ta center of class.....those bulshit fights of me an pika...those times wer she used to push her table attached wit mine as if we r lik divorced r sumthin wen we fought....those feel gud times wen jim used to console me durin my sad times an pikas by chumma proposin to playin to fooll jus to mak us feel der is sum guy out der always to luv us......
those times wer prat used to continuously mak me blush lik hell teasin me wit my best buddy tat time,,,those awesum leadership days wer me an sharan used to run around lik hell ta very lastminute searchin for judges for events.................those halleluyah times durin chritmas wer we used to go for carol singin an freak out till lik 2 in ta nite in ta road wit ta big ging bang as rama maam used to call it........those worlds most uneventful assemblies durin exam times wer we ppl used to ever listen to it.........those glee monday morning stories by sherly maam to ta whole skool as ta thought for ta day,those days wer me an prat used to do lunch duty for our house......those great times wer i used to supprot my way to gandhi house my very own house,,,wether it was a volleyball match r a debate..........those great black skirts an white shirts days durin annual days wer we used to sing our western songs an wer pika wuld almost mak me swallow ta mike for!!those days wer we wer so broke wit money an tat canteen was closed .......tat we drank electrol frm gowris rowin bag !!those awesum treats by every buddy of mine durin der bdays.....wer frm doughnuts to icetea wat not we used to get to eat for
free......those hilarious food fights an ta fact tat sai used to run around thahira wen she used to bring chicken briyani for bakrid .......those awesum times wer durin rakshabandan surya ran around ta whole corridor finally madakufyin now how can i forget those great terrific sanskrit class times wer me shrikala,poochi,ninja,lava used to play ta fool!!......those zillion days wit pochi wer i learnt an did wat not? she was der for my first everthing.........frm my first online chattin experience wit a perverted freak! gosh wit her it din seem sick it seemed

funny......not to forget too ta day we r i go to her palce for group studies an guess wat she is a bio student im a compsc an we hav our respectiv e exams an not a word gets into our minds...we sit an make a MAKEBelIeVe luv leter for bhavana an gosh she believes tat prasanna has written it woww... an we stand out der laughin seein her expression...!!...those so callld group studies time wit gowri....o my god! i sit wit her an guess wat in 5 mins we talk abt every nonsence in ta world but abt studies!!wil never forget ta day wen we both weer blinkin so much seein ta words s&m senarios in tat foreign mag of wer, i was so curious an checke d it out in ta net by ta end of ta day.........those lunches i host at my place for pika a zillion times an for prat an sushi once........ta days for grueelin boared exam studies wer varsha,gow an me used to hog on pringles lik no 2mrw!.............those most unforgetable excursions of ours... wer every moment was worth a 11th if it tat strange encounters in my room becoz of shankara tat gr8 day wer we whole gal gang r dam serious watchin "sex an ta city" an deepak rings ta room bell to deliver food to ta nonveg wer we r fuckin searchin for ta dam remote an we aint able to find an only then wil ta most intensive of secnes wuld cum! an i sav ta day by standin b4 ta tv an ta other gals sendin him in jet speed out of ta room..... well in 12th ........omygod me,sushi,deeps,gow,sanku,pika in one room.........god wat fun....all i can recall is we suddely singin ta national athem wen it plays in sum flick we watch an ta receptionaist blasts at us.......,an those hind soaps which gowri used to kill us watchin my wer prat used to translate us!an tat gr8 nite in coorg wer gowri convineintly loses our room key wen wer gone shoppin an tat female so very beauifly sleeps in front of our room door wit a blanket wen we r out der throwin a milion questions at her an desperatly serchin!!....then wat else....not to forget ta coppersulphate blue ta colour so associated wit those so very memorable
sleep overs at her place *wink*..>an those codes "pika ur earring is lost" which was kept for a special purpose..........those sankara plus!! converstions of me an guess who sankara plus culd b? her bf ofcourse...those neverendin bitchin converstions of me an prat..finally that gr8 day wer we celebrated almost till lik 10 in ta nite durin farewell day wit our sarees ,enjoyin every second of gettin a bit emotional takin pics away to glory an trusting on SID for ta last time in our lives for his carr ride to drop us all at beseat nagar beach!!!....Hmmm.....i culd o blah blah blah out here till lik god knws wen...but

well i aint brooodin out here............jus wanted to remind myself of those gr8 days.,.ta days i cant get bak......but im soo very glad ppl dont change wit time,,,,,,,,,,,all of us still freak out,still talk on ta phone still r der for ta other...still enjoy ta other persons company.........still pull ta others leg....soo it kind off isnt tat tragic an endin to skool pals in my life.........jus tat der beautiful presence cant b felt each i jus wrote dis to say i jus luv i wil b der for each one of them no matter wat... even if distance separates us we will b connected heart to heart..........................

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Wednesday, January 03, 2007


this is one of the most beautiful pieces of tracks i by chance gotta hear frm my bros song gives me instant shakthi r rather gives me a feel gud factor ta minute i listen to dis 7 minute track by BAZ LUHRMAN called "everybody is free ...the advices he gives r simply too gud...u really feel nice for once listenin to so very true watever he confeses in a whole a very meaningful an

Ladies and gentleman of the Class of '97.

Wear sunscreen.

If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long-term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists, whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience. I will dispense this advice now.

Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth. Oh, never mind. You will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they've faded. But trust me, in 20 years, you'll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can't grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked. You are not as fat as you imagine.

Don't worry about the future. Or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind, the kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday.

Do one thing every day that scares you.


Don't be reckless with other people's hearts. Don't put up with people who are reckless with yours.


Don't waste your time on jealousy. Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind. The race is long and, in the end, it's only with yourself.

Remember compliments you receive. Forget the insults. If you succeed in doing this, tell me how.

Keep your old love letters. Throw away your old bank statements.


Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to do with your life. The most interesting people I know didn't know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives. Some of the most interesting 40-year-olds I know still don't.

Get plenty of calcium. Be kind to your knees. You'll miss them when they're gone.

Maybe you'll marry, maybe you won't. Maybe you'll have children, maybe you won't. Maybe you'll divorce at 40, maybe you'll dance the funky chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary. Whatever you do, don't congratulate yourself too much, or berate yourself either. Your choices are half chance. So are everybody else's.

Enjoy your body. Use it every way you can. Don't be afraid of it or of what other people think of it. It's the greatest instrument you'll ever own.

Dance, even if you have nowhere to do it but in your living room.

Read the directions, even if you don't follow them.

Do not read beauty magazines. They will only make you feel ugly.


Brother and sister together will make it through,
Someday a spirit will take you and guide you there.
I know you've been hurting but I've been waiting to be there for you,
And I'll be there just helping you our whenever I can.

Get to know your parents. You never know when they'll be gone for good. Be nice to your siblings. They're your best link to your past and the people most likely to stick with you in the future.

Understand that friends come and go, but with a precious few you should hold on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle, because the older you get, the more you need the people who knew you when you were young.

Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard. Live in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft.


Accept certain inalienable truths: Prices will rise. Politicians will philander. You, too, will get old. And when you do, you'll fantasise that when you were young, prices were reasonable, politicians were noble and children respected their elders.

Respect your elders.

Don't expect anyone else to support you. Maybe you have a trust fund. Maybe you'll have a wealthy spouse. But you never know when either one might run out.

Don't mess too much with your hair or by the time you're 40 it will look 85.

Be careful whose advice you buy, but be patient with those who supply it. Advice is a form of nostalgia. Dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it's worth.

But trust me on the sunscreen.

Brother and sister together will make it through,
Someday a spirit will take you and guide you there.
I know you've been hurting but I've been waiting to be there for you,
And I'll be there just helping you our whenever I can.

Everybody's free,
Everybody's free to feel good.

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