Thursday, January 25, 2007

BeInG uNAttRaCtiVe>>>

hmmm....well well....i suddenly had dis big urge to write a post lik dis... letme start.. well i was NEVER this drop dead gorgeous kinda gal in life...still i always felt gud about myself no matter what.....skool life thought me so much more in life an ta BEIN PRETTY factor actually never played a role atall there....what really matered there was being yourself....hmmm...but as we go forward in life u realise tat homely atmosphere in skool can never be brought life atmosphere is so hostile...i really feel kinda fish outta water attimes here...noone can ever beat those gud guys i had in skool.....der wer ta best...ta sweetest....sumtimes i don even feel gud even a single minute out here in dis hostile world......why the hell do i mask my face wit those upteen riguorus beauty regimes ? does is matter at all here?i realise ta harsh turth tat it aint makin me feel any better ta unatractive kind,..... an im here to mak ppl lik me feel more better of i list a few advantages of bein UNATTRACTIVE.........
  • the number one addvantage.... you dont ever face a one guy a day proposing to you kind of a senario,.....
[[[pretty gals think dis is by far the most self satisfying task in der life.......ta cheap pleasure in admitting a miilion guys hav so far proposed to they hav turned all of them down........> this sucks big time becoz u end up breakin a miilion hearts b4 u die,,,,,an i secrctly hope ta heart dey fall for turns them down realise hw painful tat really is.....ta other thing apart frm dis here is y wuld a guy whom u talk u each day suddenly poop question as to "hey u single"??if tat so called pretty damsel admits a "yes" tat idiot will b lik "hey i luv you!" wats fuckin confuisin here is......nw is tat guy truly havin anythin atall for her...r is he jus termin the most wonderful word in the world jus 4 ta fact tat shes single??hmmmm....]]]
  • number dont need to bee so conscious about yourself if u aint tat drop dead gorgeous prototype!!
[[[oo my God!!i hav been in dis current hostile world for ta past 6 i thank ta stars tat i aint pretty......i don care a dam about hw my hair luks all day.,..for tat matter if my shoes watch earring match my dress......!wat r these women so consicous for?? if u do things for u its k i guess des ppl try caterin to ta gaping crowd endlessly dis way!! im lucky!!]]]
  • you get to make everlasting frndshps wit ppl who luv u for who u not hw ur body is..!!
[[[If you are a girl with attitude,,,you can just walk off in between a converstation wit a guy who crosses his limits....but ta general so called Ms. gorgeous never does this....i keep figurin out why?does she really feel tat lloathe guy wants to really b frnds wit her for who she is?? ya rite!! > its lust baby im 10,000% ..... sure.... shes having dis fan club of hers around her becoz they lusttt abt ta frame shes well pretty women will never realise tat!]]]
  • You b yourself and dont tend to be "THE PERSON" the crowd likes...
[[[these self obsssed 'pretty women' trun me mad! dis is a very generalised statement by my study over ta years,,,,,,...what the hell? dey think dey hav dis awesum attitude in them...but the truth is they hav dis brsin in ta size of a "pea".......cant they do things for themselves for heavens sake??they are by far the MOST weakest creatures in earth....they will do aanything so tat ta crowd accepts them.....der identity is lost here..... they make decisions jus cos ta mob crowd feels sumthin is rite........wake up baby,,,, try bein urself for atleast one minute in urlife...!!]im LucKy!!]]
  • You dont need to be worried people will turn u down sumday!!
[[lik i care!!i dont giv a fuckin shit if guys switch to ta next pretty gal on the dosent change my life.....moreover frndshp with guys lik these are better to b turn down by those so called attratctive.......than to worry endlessly if sumday....the fanclub shifts focus.....these women r surrounded by insecurities alwayssss an who wants to hav such a load os stress 24/7?? not ME !!]]

To finally sum it all up i feel its far far better in this world tat u aint born pretty.....the guys definitions of the word PRETTY stoop down to such CheaP LEvels tat its better that u areant liked for ta ohh soo "38-30-38" kind of a frame..... r the perfect "34-28-36 frame an fair skin.......!!....yuck an its sick to realise ta guys mentality out here...though sumtimes i feel im out of the crowd....i guess its better of not being in such a crowd wit a mentality like this......i luv matter how unattractive to ta general crowd i may b....!! like i care any fucking shit about the crowd.......!!tats a womeN with ATTITUDE baBy!!LiVE 4 u an not 4 otherzz!! b urself ,luv urself.....


At 8:51 AM , Blogger Fatima Mohamed said...

i can relate to your sentimentals

kool blog keep it up...

At 10:41 PM , Blogger Arvind Natarajan said...

nice one da.'from ta heart' post.its true pa 80% of gud lukin gals do tis.But then ur statement abt guys,though true,is far too generalised.not a ll guys swap gfs,friends jus coz they ve found a prettier,sexier,hotter gal.There s more to life than physical pleasure....luv should be frm ta heart not frm ta hormones.....keep writin an be urself coz there are enough others!!

At 10:42 PM , Blogger Arvind Natarajan said...

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At 4:52 AM , Blogger Arvind Natarajan said...

and btw who said u aren't prety??
u re pretty da idiot.everyone in this world is pretty......enjoy life ta way u want.

At 7:18 AM , Blogger Debalina Das said...

A feeling that most of the "unattractive" of us might disagree and "attractive" of us will call it as pure trash.
But being the unattractive one, yet with some friends to die for, I have almost, always nurtured the feeling that I am perfect and better, if not, I shall make sure I am perfect for the occassion.
I don't need to look good, I just need to use brains .
I do relate to your post, a lot.

At 6:56 AM , Blogger Baraka Badoura ;) said...

all i gotto say girl.....SEXED OUT !!!! wat an AMAZING POST baby ! just too good... and EVERYTHING IN IT IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TRUE !!!!!!!!!! bloody good post gal... im just lost for words (for once ! ) this post has set me thinking.... im gonna write one on the same lines wen i get time.... so keep writing... and keep reading !


At 7:06 AM , Blogger Baraka Badoura ;) said...

all i gotto say girl.....SEXED OUT !!!! wat an AMAZING POST baby ! just too good... and EVERYTHING IN IT IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TRUE !!!!!!!!!! bloody good post gal... im just lost for words (for once ! ) this post has set me thinking.... im gonna write one on the same lines wen i get time.... so keep writing... and keep reading !


At 8:20 AM , Blogger AmOrTeNTiA said...

thanks u guys for takin time up an encouragin my commentin on it......


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