Thursday, February 22, 2007

ThE GeN nExT wOmEn>>>>

Its kinda really sadenin to c ta gen next women out here in ta current world....y?? Y r they trying to b so outrageously i cant even get ta right words... Y do they wanna portrAy themselves as Sex symbols?? don u think we r crossing out limits ??? wer ta values they learnt during childhood? ta traditions an cuture evrything is lost...ta newest MANTRA is 2 ShEd ur way to popularity!!! feels so any male population out der shed more than necesary ?NO dey don.......then y must b ta women b lik dis?? k WoMeN r equally r even more intrested in ta three letter wrd..y must dey let it out ? tat to so cheaply, MEn too hav der fantasies an stuff but do dey ever let it out ? NEVER !! Tat other day sum asshole tried to add me in thankfully sumthing told me i hav to check his profile b4 addin an wat do i c??? women,women an only women....der clothes[most wer shockingly dressed in gr8 poses 2!!] an ta testimonials written to tat bloke.........jus reflected hw cHeAP women hav becum....r dey turnin into nympho maniacs r sumthin??? Wat ta hell cheap pleasure do they get by either chattin wid a god dam pervert??worst still web conferencin wit them...Y shuld dey open up so much of themselves to sOmEone dey wont even knw?? Y shuld dey allow sum1 to tak advantage of them??? y cant dey keep der flings jus deep beneath them??? Its so shockin to c women losin der virginity at 15 itself....wats ta point? you open up so much u giv urself to a GUY who jus uses u as an APETITE to his next day hes is gone....gone to ta next young VIrgIn gal on ta block....guess gals hav to STOP beein fools an more sensible...we cant let guys tak advantage of Y do guys tak advantage of us? bcoz we project ourselves lik tat.....actresses must stop dis sheddin business...we r ourselves projectin tat we r objects of LUST .....arent we WORTH a lotta things apart frm dis?? SO Y empasize on sumthin so cheap......guess it wil tak YEARS foR women to understand dis....if dis generation itself is lik dis god knws hw ta next is gonna end up.!!! is sad an IRONIC......


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At 8:27 AM , Blogger HARI said...

This is exactly the same thing I always keep thinking about.. Infact, to be honest, I hate guys for this sole reason! I go with your words..Are girls just objects of lust?!?! Thats so cheap to think about..Dis-heartening to see guys who go after and just flirt with such girls.., and those girls who also keep smiling back to such guys! I mean it!When will these people come out of the illusion!! We ll jus keep wondering i guess..

At 11:47 PM , Blogger AmOrTeNTiA said...

hey thank u hari,,,,,for commentin...yeah very true...ta prob i feel starts wit ta gals themsleves...if they don project themselves dis way things will b a lot better,..


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