Saturday, February 24, 2007

To mY Mr. RIghT..........

i dunno y im postin dis as a blog out here...i guess its because ta impact of dis wil b more if i post dis here an tat ur mailbox seems to hav sum big problem aleady.....
now i dunno wat to i can say is i was fuckin derpressed after u spoke to me yestday.......ur words really did hurt lik hell....k i guess im a women wit absolutely no luck......bad luck always echos around me.....wat ta hell its fuckin sick u knw......i try doin all i can to make things go finally i sit der cryin al nite......did i do it intentionally? No....You think i will get boared lukin at ur face so i ingnored u an went away wit my buddies out yestday.......u r so very wronggg..........wer is a realtionship when der is no even a bit of understandin ?i started questionin our realtionship in my mind yestday u knw.........i broke down.....i dunno wat to do...i dunno wer its headin....mayb iim a realtionship ruiner......i guess....i put u through dis whole cycle al over again in life...i do thingss very unintentionally but u get hurt lik hell finally an show them wit ur words in ta feel so bad..i dunno wat to do ...wats happenin within uss?im confused........its lik i cant imagine a life without u...but im scared by ta way things r heading....i cant face a break up again in life anymore...atleast a one with you..i hav never even imagined tat posibility until ur wordsss yestday suggested so....pls try bein more understandin buddyy.....sometimes in life you knw u may feel so dam angry wit wat ur buddy did to you...der r only two ways to handle tat one show ur anger back by WORDS .... r jus continue being sweet to tat frnd an forgivin them an moving on wit since here wat ta buddy did was purelyy unintentional.......i thought my mr. right wuld hav chosen ta option 2 rather than one.......he was suopposed to b suportive an is so dam bad attimes....


At 7:09 AM , Blogger Baraka Badoura ;) said...

yo gal... its k... ive been there. done that . so i know how it feels... keep a hold on it. think. it will all sort out in your head. and remember. all a guy wants is to be loved like mad... so next time if you really have the guts. go tell Mr.Right in front of all your friends( i mean both yours and his ) that you are so damn crazy abt him. talk to your gal frnds abt him. how fab he is . how nice he is. and let it reach his ears... do some romance ya ! comon ! now i don wanna be teaching u all this ! just go there and be a lunaticly demented romantic !


At 6:50 AM , Blogger AmOrTeNTiA said...

hey ro thanks for ta advice......though havent fulfledgedly followed it.....i guess half followin it itself has made great changes.......!!
owe u so much!!


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