Saturday, February 24, 2007

LeAviNG mY PrEttY ButterFLY..........

  • There she was my pretty butterfly....,
  • She came up to me...wit tat big gleam in her face.,.
  • I caught her tat very moment...,
  • An we became so inseparable.....,.
  • I dunno wat happened suddelyy...
  • Things started changing....i liked her soo much,
  • Butt der was always at times dis detached attachment frm my pretty butterfly....,
  • Y shuld things only happen to me?
  • I started feeling,
  • My butterfly wasnt comfortable wit me,
  • An not kind of rite for me to possess.......,
  • SO der i watched her fly fine dayyy,
  • Thinkin foolishy ,things ...
  • Mite cum bak to pieces bak again....,
  • Mayb it was my fault...,
  • But its sad but true,
  • My pretty butterflyyy liked ta new world she made for her,
  • Guess more than ta kind of world we shared....,
  • An i sit here not knwin ,
  • Whether to rejoicee me backin out enriched her life,
  • R cry out on losing out tat pretty butterflyy,
  • My very own butterfly..,
  • As things mite never ever cum
  • Bak to placeeeee.....,
  • I wil still luv u ta way i did...,
  • Sittin bak far away....
  • Watchin u fly wit ur beautiful wingss...,
  • Happily amidst those nice flowersss...,
  • I wish i get a chance to say a simple
  • SORRY....,
  • Before ur gone completelyyyy !
  • Dear butterflyy......
  • .i miss so sorryyyy.!!


To mY Mr. RIghT..........

i dunno y im postin dis as a blog out here...i guess its because ta impact of dis wil b more if i post dis here an tat ur mailbox seems to hav sum big problem aleady.....
now i dunno wat to i can say is i was fuckin derpressed after u spoke to me yestday.......ur words really did hurt lik hell....k i guess im a women wit absolutely no luck......bad luck always echos around me.....wat ta hell its fuckin sick u knw......i try doin all i can to make things go finally i sit der cryin al nite......did i do it intentionally? No....You think i will get boared lukin at ur face so i ingnored u an went away wit my buddies out yestday.......u r so very wronggg..........wer is a realtionship when der is no even a bit of understandin ?i started questionin our realtionship in my mind yestday u knw.........i broke down.....i dunno wat to do...i dunno wer its headin....mayb iim a realtionship ruiner......i guess....i put u through dis whole cycle al over again in life...i do thingss very unintentionally but u get hurt lik hell finally an show them wit ur words in ta feel so bad..i dunno wat to do ...wats happenin within uss?im confused........its lik i cant imagine a life without u...but im scared by ta way things r heading....i cant face a break up again in life anymore...atleast a one with you..i hav never even imagined tat posibility until ur wordsss yestday suggested so....pls try bein more understandin buddyy.....sometimes in life you knw u may feel so dam angry wit wat ur buddy did to you...der r only two ways to handle tat one show ur anger back by WORDS .... r jus continue being sweet to tat frnd an forgivin them an moving on wit since here wat ta buddy did was purelyy unintentional.......i thought my mr. right wuld hav chosen ta option 2 rather than one.......he was suopposed to b suportive an is so dam bad attimes....

Thursday, February 22, 2007

ThE GeN nExT wOmEn>>>>

Its kinda really sadenin to c ta gen next women out here in ta current world....y?? Y r they trying to b so outrageously i cant even get ta right words... Y do they wanna portrAy themselves as Sex symbols?? don u think we r crossing out limits ??? wer ta values they learnt during childhood? ta traditions an cuture evrything is lost...ta newest MANTRA is 2 ShEd ur way to popularity!!! feels so any male population out der shed more than necesary ?NO dey don.......then y must b ta women b lik dis?? k WoMeN r equally r even more intrested in ta three letter wrd..y must dey let it out ? tat to so cheaply, MEn too hav der fantasies an stuff but do dey ever let it out ? NEVER !! Tat other day sum asshole tried to add me in thankfully sumthing told me i hav to check his profile b4 addin an wat do i c??? women,women an only women....der clothes[most wer shockingly dressed in gr8 poses 2!!] an ta testimonials written to tat bloke.........jus reflected hw cHeAP women hav becum....r dey turnin into nympho maniacs r sumthin??? Wat ta hell cheap pleasure do they get by either chattin wid a god dam pervert??worst still web conferencin wit them...Y shuld dey open up so much of themselves to sOmEone dey wont even knw?? Y shuld dey allow sum1 to tak advantage of them??? y cant dey keep der flings jus deep beneath them??? Its so shockin to c women losin der virginity at 15 itself....wats ta point? you open up so much u giv urself to a GUY who jus uses u as an APETITE to his next day hes is gone....gone to ta next young VIrgIn gal on ta block....guess gals hav to STOP beein fools an more sensible...we cant let guys tak advantage of Y do guys tak advantage of us? bcoz we project ourselves lik tat.....actresses must stop dis sheddin business...we r ourselves projectin tat we r objects of LUST .....arent we WORTH a lotta things apart frm dis?? SO Y empasize on sumthin so cheap......guess it wil tak YEARS foR women to understand dis....if dis generation itself is lik dis god knws hw ta next is gonna end up.!!! is sad an IRONIC......


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ThE " tOgether" FaCtOr...

so well i jus got outta topics out here to discuss after my previous posts....hmmm,,,here comes sumthin for u gonna express my views in whether intimacy plays a role in relationships..... what does that mean?it may be sumthin as simple as a holdin hands...r sumthin much more....
now why wuld two ppl who r in an active relationship wanna b kind of intimate?
>reason one mayb it gives them a sence of togetherness...oneness....[if u lik a genuine person i guess dis may b ta only reason ]
>else mayb becos u wanna assure tat person dosent go away at any point..[chepos do really adopt dis..i personally knw my frnds who hav fallen prey an cant let go either]
>mayb ur hormones r talkin a toll on you tat you cant resist tat urge....cos der seems an endless wait of sum odd 10years..before u actually get a chance legally to b wit sumone,knw them,b a part of u knw wat... but to my opinion i guess i mite term dis as being such a big cheapo...its lik hes using you till his urges r staisfied then finally u break up wit sum silly he goes away throwin it all in ta ta next women r mite probabily in wedlock wit sum women later...
im seriously lost...dunno wat to say...i recently got around readin a copy of "marie claire" an u knw wat?? there was this shocking article which said the sad new trend of women in India....who pay an odd 30,000 bucks to restore their hide the past behind them!! its like starting a new life of hopes with a either they must b bold enough to speak up an tell they got dumped by a guy they gav themselves too.... r never marry y did they even giv themselves fully in the first place???is the three letter wrd the only way to PROVE ultimatelove?? NO...this sad trend is gettin worse by the it guys r talkin abt guys...gals r lik icecream to them i feel...once tasted....they want to switch to the next flavour....[most i mean "most" of the guys r this way......]]..its like the dialogue i heard by my classmate once say..."povoma,corect panoma,velaye mudichoma,kalambunoma"......fuck!!bloody brutal chepos.....y r ppl like this?? why cant they understand LIFE??intimacy aint sum kind of plaything.....its sumthing VERY emotional......two ppl who r genuinely connected heart to heart without any cheap motive...can b mind you...who said...intimacy is only bodily?? u can b intimate by ur the one you think u will b with for the rest of your can share ur depeset feelings an wishes.....
so well gals an guys who read this...i dunno if this whole thing made sence to you...all i can say is..don jump into conclusions an later regret,,, try waiting for THE ONE in your remmeber their can only b "a MR. RIGHT "in a gals wen u cum to ta point wer ur luv is gonna b judged by how bodily initmate you r...remmeber HES NOT THE ONE FOR YOU....AND NEVER WAS TOO....!!

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