Wednesday, October 31, 2007

claSs ReP issues!!phewwW

hows it to be the class represenatative... well to start of its a job tat cant b taken in easily r for fun! i tell you this 6 months had everything frm anger to stress to lill smiles heading a class by me an arvind my buddy! here is an example of how my typical day is for ppl to know how much goes behind making the class perfect though ppl rather get gr8 appreciation nor voluntary help ... day starts at
  1. 8.30>> period one commenses things a class rep like me is expected to do
  • manage a class tats totally insane... noone ever undersatnds tat if each one shuts up r even speaks slowly things will be a lot better !the most difficult job
  • job two out of the blue a faculty will expect the ohp to be all shiny an ready...come on we are also young an its so dam difficult to go all responsible an be perfect without chatting with frnds an keep everything ready... worst part is help can never be slought until i personally request my class guys.. they do help but it takes me a 10 minute constant request while they enjoy chatting with their groups. next challenge here is finding the junction box for the ohp... it can be anywer frm my office to the next class. it may work an it may not.. so patience is the cue word it must be with the reps as well as the faculty . they must undersatnd we arent responsible if the class gets delayed because a junction box is not working. next we have to put up with those other frnds who have tat grudgy look tat speaks" why r u delaying the class culdnt u do all this b4".
  • oooh now tat the ohp is ready an wehave gone round the whole departmnet seeting up things. the staff will search for chalk piece... an if its not there well class reps r responsible. not one soul in class will ever volunteer to help . i have to walk up first floor yet again an get them. ok noone voluntaries but what the hell right do they have on playing with chalks an breaking them in free hours finally wasting all the xtras i got! seriously sometimes you never get answers for such questions
  • next after class is over we have to help in attendance. next bugging job cant sumone on earth ever take charge on tat y us?
  • now tat period one is over the next faculty expects us to call them! we hardly get breathing space i tell you..
2. period 2 starts!
  • well they come in telling us y we din ask them wats necessary for class![ if only god had 48 hrs a day maybe we culd have freed ourselves to ask them such stupid things!]
  • comes next challenge. now tat we hav ohp ready they will ask us to set the computer. now here is the clinche wen it comes to presentations... we r also presentars an we too need time to prepare but tats such a unheard thing of caring r even putting shoes in our place an we get blamed at for not seeting up the computer!
  • seeting a computer is not an easy job! permission frm lab attendant then keys to computer room then bringing the correct wires ! help here is slought as its impoosible to bring eevrything in time!
  • well comedy time continues as sum shitty persenter will suddenly want speakers to play their promo!! well they expect us to be so dam patient an do everything wit such energy always! y cant they set it up by themselves? well i learnt tat the hard way an nowadays there is this satnd by ruls as to whoever does presenations must arrange evrything by themselves! come one they must now how non easy is it !
3. next is break time!
  • the time wer is get to say hello to arvind my only gud buddy in class who is the guy rep so frm morning we seldom hav time to smile an r on our toes.
  • in that 20minutes they give for break believe me first 5 minutes goes in helping teachers take attendance. next 15minutes in seeting up the seminar hall for some guest lecture next hour!
and voila arvind one side will be setting up the projector. an i will be seeking permission frm seminar hall incharge... tat too giving updates with the facuty on everythings right! an well yes u guessed it right no help at all ever ..... half the class will either spend their life chatting r goin out! now all we have is 5 minutes grace time tats wen i pull arvind poor him he selsom has time to eat at home an come an we go to canteen an come bak in hurry.... just to find some classmate in seminar hall finding a tiny fault in our arrangement made! 4.ok 2hrs guest lecture time,,, we r responsible for everyone who attends class an absents them! come on we r far too busy to even knw if someone wen out! how can we b answerable for them? well if its a big shot frm industry we have to cover the hospitality part too for them! everything we r responsible!! 5. lunch break..... mostly its stress free until or unless my so called forum meetings start off an my forum staff glares at me as to y i hav come late to the meeting! she wuldnt know i was on my feeet all day... she wuldnt care if i had lunch... she wuldnt give a dam abt my duties aftr break too! all she wuld know is i must do her task,,, yes it is undersatndable frm her view but she shuld knw i aint loofing around all day an i CARE so much abt ta forum lik she does... all i ask for is time an some care frm her side! forum meetings leads to guets lectures tat leads to voluntares like me arranging them> calling guests>giving directions>seeting up hall>hospitality>momento>blah blah blah everything is stress ful.... unless though help is given by kind hearted souls!! 6. lab hours ttats another bore! don ask.... frm being responsible for bringing a junk of hooligans by 1.30 sharp to the computer lab to screaming endlessly th elab questions for them to note doqn in record..... you have to gulp it all down with a smile an well apart frm this who takes notes frm teachers and xeroxes them too? its we reps who sets up guest lectures next week? its us again who tries helping class by postponing tests? its uss u guessed it~ who plans an schedules classes wen there is no time to finish portions? well us again!! and after all this junk of things an help we do for our fellow mates on the recieving end all we get is > irritable hooligans whowouldnt care a dam to listen up on important notices an tests an later blame us for not imforming > lose out on so so kinda friends...because i tend to realise they jus luv irritating you to limits wen told them not to do something >big headaches end of the day >non undersatnding so called gud frnds/// whoo think we must be robots with no tiredness whatsoever all day... with grudgy luks wen things go worng r unplanned sometimes!! [if only i wish i dedicate a blog towards her higness indumathy for being the cruellest best in class!!] >sometimessss very rare though a compliment by atleast one soul in class for postponing tests!! >runied life as basically i cant talk the day to day things i happend around with my guy as there is no time at all to socialise nor flirt nor eat nor enjoyyyy! hmmm anyways!! its over im glad it was.... hope i lost up on some pounds running around..... an well in this blog i oficially thank arvind for all kinds of help he did as the guy rep as without him i must have probabily been in ICU of some hospital by now with all tat stress fully piled on only to me!.... lol..well big advantage i finally hope it gets recognised atleast a bit wen im job searching!! leadership skills they call ittt.....pheww!!

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At 8:29 AM , Blogger Baraka Badoura ;) said...

well.... all i can say is . - welcome to reality.
thats what class reps do. have done . will do . and will HAVE to do . amm has given a chosen few that opportunity. !!! but i dunno why ur finding it so tough? u were a captain once and if u had done ur duty well as a capt. then i dont think this is much of a challenge at all! anyway ! best of luck ! :-)

At 8:30 AM , Blogger Baraka Badoura ;) said...

dude... i added ur link to my profile long back. !!! why havent u added mine ? mean gal !

At 12:15 PM , Blogger Arvind Natarajan said...

heyyyy wat ro has said is absolutely correct....cmon shriya,we took it up knowing all this and we really have done a good job. :)
and hey nee thaan pa responsible rep not me.I seriously feel i havent done 100% justice to the responsibility that was given to me.....but for u the class would ve fallen apart.

great job class rep :)
thnx 4 being by my side,
wit lots of love n care,

At 7:56 AM , Blogger AmOrTeNTiA said...

ro machan the answer to tat is so simple an there in my post itself.....those fcukin ppl never bother to help da.. not even for any issue tats goin to help them... in skool we had intergrety an we had support and a like minded bunch who wuld do anything for anyone!! here it suckssss da !groupism breeds out here big time!no support nor appreciation ever which was always in excess frm our skool side... stil remmber how many ppl used to support me an even help me an be happy wen i used to put their names for culturals....even teachers used to make me an sharan feel loved an caring... this hostile world here kills really sometimes! well i did have few must say very few gud times too...... anyways glad it over i have been there done tat tats all no more fussing around! wrote this blog just to be as a memory of how tough times wer this sem!!

At 7:57 AM , Blogger AmOrTeNTiA said...

tanx arvind for caring words! without u seriously i dunno wat hell i wuld hav done... !!


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