Monday, October 29, 2007

ThEsE r the Few of My FavoritE tHings!!

well my buddy had published a post on the similaar lines an i got inspired too in writing a blog like this!! a feel gud blog i sayy.... feels gud to write feels gud to read too aftr writing!!things i admire luv in lifee are always left unsaid to ppl i luv so here is it for them to know abt the true me!
  1. starts with ME i luv my name>shriya.. unique,different,stylish!!
  2. now tat i luv my name its obvious i luv writing my name in stylish ways evrywer
  3. luv lipgloss its such a gift to a girl,,, pure elegant an glamarous it makes me feel
  4. luv the anklet pika gave me for my birthday.. she has one i have the other.. each time i wear it i feels shes with me kind of feel gud treasure!
  5. luv lill babies an kids... its so nice to see a lill baby smilin at you! it jus make my day!
  6. luv sitting in the window seat of the car bus anything an gazing out... wen small i used to b crzy saying gudbye wit a smile to everyone i pass by!!
  7. luv that lill ice cube in fridge... used to be an ice cube fanatic wen i was small
  8. luv licking the melted chocolate frm the wrapper without any etiquettecy
  9. love gazing at myself pointlessly in the mirror for hours together!
  10. love those feel gud chats with my guy sometimes its jus makes my day
  11. love listening to strongly lyriced songs... sad or happy,..,. avril an anytime hit!!
  12. love having flawless skin which i used to adorn until few years bak.. pimples break out often offlate!
  13. love loofah baths either stinging cold showers r warm ones!
  14. love the colour lavendar warm an chic anytime!
  15. pink an blue the only combo which i go bonkers at always- no wonder my wardrobe has tons of them!!
  16. cute little teddy bears!! used to hug them an sleep wen i was lill!! muaaaaaaaah feels so cute to have teddys!!
  17. love the smell of earth wen it rains....muaah feels so earthy
  18. love my strawberry body butter,,, it just makes me feel lik a baby with soft nice smelling skin an my guy ends up happy too loving tat smell!
  19. love crying over flicks like my best frnds wedding!! worth it to cry for a movie tat touches u emotionally so much
  20. love those 15 minutes each morning wen i fake i hv woken up to my mum by switchin on the light but truth is i lie undercover enjoyin the las few secs of sleep!
  21. luv morning dreaming.... it feels gr8 if it turns out romantic
  22. luv the hot cuppa coffee my mum remmbrs to give sometimes as she usually forgets in a hurry
  23. luv opening the new paper b4 my dad does...jus a silly thing but this offlate never happens as i get up late!!
  24. luv hugs an kisses frm anyone jus makes me feel loved!
  25. luv make up right at 12 in the night in the privacy of my room !
  26. luv smudging an spoiling the make up too- this happens so often tat i hav learned to love it
  27. luv taking stupid snaps of me by myslef! its an art i developed... an art wer i spend 1 hr on make up 1 hr on takin snaps an 1 hr to convice my mind no makeup can ever mak me luk like a model an i do luk gud!last part is the toughest though
  28. luv flowers... its fragrance jus brings joy an lifts my mood
  29. luv scented candles it gives tat romantic aura all over my room!
  30. luv making candles too.... though i end up with burns all over my arms!!
  31. luv laces anywer its such a girly thing!!
  32. luv long nails.... wish i atleast hav them during my wedding!! it never goes like how it does to sexy models!
  33. luv feeling my heartbeat with my palms... its gives me bliss an awe on how nice a intricate gods creation is
  34. luv those baby leaves in treess... luv talkin an kissing them too!
  35. luv singing songs wen im home alone...
  36. luv my hair!silky an smooth! luv it even more wen my guy simply goes crazy feelin it!
  37. luv that lill i love you i get frm my guy b4 i sleep....... muaaah unbeatable!
  38. luvpolishing my nails wit nice warm colours> every gal must tak care of her nails,,, its a sign of feeling gr8 abt urself
  39. luv luking at pink baby frocks with lacy bows!!muaaah the most cutest thing to do!!
  40. luvv giving suprises to my guy an my frnds...ta smile in their face is unbeatable!
  41. luv working out and dancing to hot music,,,, it jus makes me feel lighter
  42. luv mugging up the lyrics of the songs i luvvvvv!!
  43. luv reading bak answer papers of my tests... wierd but feels amazing to read... it feels asif sumone else wrote sumthing so nice espcially english papers!
  44. luv arts an crafts..... shuld hav written it b4 but sumhw forgot!
  45. luv my aunt everything abt her amuses me shes an art godess!! everybit of her home is filled wit creativity!
  46. luv deviantart...... without it i cwuldnt hav enjoyed art as much!! an amazing site wit superb workssssss
  47. luv chatting with my skool frnds catchin up on each others lives frm realtionshps to studies!!
  48. luv softcore bitching!! it used to b gr8 wit prat durin skool times! poor shankara.... we hav bitched our life to glory on her so many times!
  49. luv fighting wit my guy, part is wen later though i hate him so much i realise i cant b without him too
  50. luv argueing - mostly wen i know i am right in something!
  51. luv lacto calamine an kohl without it well i feel so lost an ungirly !
  52. loveee being wit pika shuld hav been in top 5 something distracted me!
  53. love blogging an reading my posts!! feels a sence of satisfaction
  54. love it wen ppl comment on my posts.... it jus boosts my self confidence
  55. love sturggling over a kumudam article on surya for 2 hrs all by myself!! bein a true fanatic of him!
  56. luv it wen my prediction skills rocks an tat every answer i learn b4 ta exam turns right up on the question paper! believe me its my lucky charm!!
  57. luv cleaning up especailly wen frnds come over i re arrange an giv a complete make over to my room... one my frnds admire them two its feels relieved to change everything in my room!
  58. luv crying attimes! its the best way to vent out i say!
  59. luv downloading pics frm deviantart an puttin it in orkut wit an apt title line!! luv it even more wen ppl appreciate tat
  60. luv to do my eyebrows! though it pains totally it makes me look a total women
  61. luvv high heels- though im total enough today my heels fetish will never fade,its my style funda!
  62. luv having soft unhairy hands an legs! if not waxing atleast shaving unwanted hair is a must for every women... come on we must be feminine !!
  63. luv slevess clothes dunno just a fetish!
  64. luv cold milk wen i get bak home! actually i hunt for cold water which sledom appears in my fridge so cold milk is the next bet!
  65. luv making rather baking cakes with manjitha! muaah we r awesum cooks wen it come to cakes especially! as we cant follow hose measurements for nuts!! lol
  66. luv that love filled feeding sessions of my mums wen i come home tired r b4 goin for exams
  67. comming to food love cooking an everything abt cooking! experimentation is the key to innovative cooking!! i guess tat gene came frm my mum...
  68. luv tat lill bit of cheese an corriander i decorate wit patience in each dish!
  69. luv candle light dinners!! not tat i hav had any.. jus luv that atleast later though
  70. luv four poster beds... romantic an passionatee....with lace curtains!!
  71. luv my piercings!! each has spl memories behind it which adds to me liking them!! it makes me unique!!
  72. oh yeah i luv my family... without my mum an dad i aint here/// an my sweet bro!!
  73. luvv goin to sreyas home full of bubbliness an love!!
  74. luvvv meeting my granny an old ppl their tales make u see them with awe an wonder!!
  75. used to luvv vadams by my mums mum sadly she is no more.. i miss them too much!!
  76. luv tat hot pipping plae of rasam sadam with parupu ghee with muru muru potatoe fry a yummy dishhhh tats unbeatable! my mums rasam rocks so does my dads rasam!! lol...
  77. love the number 16 an 23 very special for certain reasons!
  78. love nov 16th...... its my birthdayyy!! an luv it wen ppl wish me at 12 feels so loving!
  79. love cards... i treasure every card my frnds give!!
  80. love remmebering ppls birthdays.. make it a poin to wish them an gift them something i buy r make!
  81. love eating out attimes frm chat to burgers to desi tandoori an chinese!
  82. love eden in besant nagar an the beach! full of young bubbly teenagers enjoyin the breeze wit frnds
  83. love icecreammmmmm especially wen i have cold!! lol!!still miss tat lavendar cone icecream i had n a palour in annanagar long time bak
  84. love sexy inner wear.... it gives me positive vibes !
  85. love using dots.... inbetween sentecnces an using the caps an normal CoMbO LIk this!
  86. lovee everything abt my skool.... it gave a such nice memeories totake bak home
  87. luv calligarphy! im gud at it trust me!
  88. luvvv wasting time onlineee....
  89. luvv it wen my printer works wen i need it too!!
  90. love eating marie biscuit filled wit jam in between! wah a gr8 snack it is!!
  91. love feeding deers with everythin poosible frm my fridge in my backyard!
  92. love playing basketball... used to b my craze long time bak.. now beeen so long i played
  93. love my stylish specs! all my frnds find it stylish!!
  94. love my bro who speaks to me for hours frm korea showing me so much love!! will love him even more if he gets me the hair curler i crave for!! lol..
  95. luv it wen ,my guy calls me early morning jus to say he dreamt of me an tat i mean a lot to him!!
  96. luvv my fashwash an perfume i t makes me feel confident all day!
  97. luv being stupid well u can see tat as half my i luvthings wuld be alittle crazy!
  98. luv eating hot hot samosas on rainy days!! wow... wata feeling!!
  99. luvvv pulling legs of my frnds an make them blushhh!!
  100. luvv reading mushy novels... mood enhancer i call it!
  101. love self help books like chicken soup...... a sure read wen im down an pika is not picking up my call!
  102. love to laugh for silly jokes of arvinds jus to make him feel gud! sometimes he is genuinly funny u know!! lol...
  103. love tat last mouth of crispy dosa in my plate!!
  104. luv it wen arvinds gets coffe for me frm canteen wit a gleam on his face!!
  105. luv it wen ppl rejoice my frndshp an write in beautiful testimonials in orkut an hi5!
  106. love meeting up wit old frnds/// its like getting bak ur life....luv each gettogether of my skool batch feels crazy to see my guy pals grow up!!
  107. love lime juice instant refresher!!
  108. love chester bennington!
  109. loveeeeee 3/4ths a cool wear at home!!
  110. love sidney sheldons books an harrypotter books!! keeps me hooked wen im boared! sad tat harry potter series is over!!
  111. lovee my long chains which i made as a funky trend in coll!!
  112. love ta way i mix an match my clothes the very last moment each morning!!my frnds r so a boaring kind who wont even change the earrin they wear for a particular salwar!
  113. luv eating in banana leaf.... especailly durin festivals wer my mum cooks up yummy things! its so satisfyin to eat in bananleaf taste gets better!!
  114. love my bed an the quitl myb ro gifted me!! i slept for 12hrs jus yesterday with tat!! tat comforting!
  115. love breezy nights.... with radio buzzing the uk top charts at nite!
  116. love those one minute cards i make to ppl in class..... me an div used to share so many! still mak a whole chunk to arvind,,,
  117. loveee handbags > im a bag fetish lik my mum!
  118. lovee pencil pouches nice flowery ones especially!! feels nice to hav one!!
  119. love sattionery !! i spend my life buying new pens always!
  120. love phoitoshop brushes!! hav downloaded so many online
  121. love workin in photoshop!an amazing software
  122. love making photo movies in movie maker.... recently made one for my guy an he was touched
  123. love writing heartfelt emails to my frnds an my guy... nothin can express an emotion better than a letter r email!! love wriing letters too! used to b called love letter shriya in skool by prat!!
  124. love sharing hersheys an lindt wit prat!! u shuld see tat gleam in her face as she eats them muaaaaah outta this world!
  125. love cutting cakes... wish someone buys cake for me this bday!!
  126. love it wen my favorite movie plays in s pix! its quite rare u know... anywyas
  127. hmmm... lovee it wen my guy brings choc for me frm home!! chocolate fanatic like me will do anything for chocolate.... even forgive my guy for some mistake he did!lol..
  128. love the fact tat i have gone this far in a blog like this! not bad for my standards
  129. love to be the first mark in any test it boots up mys elf confidence soo much!
  130. looove to hold hands an walk with my buddy... it jus feels gr8
  131. love to make my pals feel gud anyday anytime wen they r down!
  132. love it wen my coll frnds out of the blue care for me as they seldom do!
  133. love it wen i answr correct in class r appreciated for something in class!
  134. love submitting assignments with my touch of class in it! hate doin things the way general ppl do!!
  135. loveee it to feel love frm my mummy attimes!!nothing can match up to her lovee
  136. love it to see my parents compromising in many issues,,, its simply gr8 to see them be such a rockin couple! hope i an my hub too rock!
  137. love to have cute baby girls wen i grow up marry an stuff! baby girlss r stunningly cuteeee! muaaaaaah i hav named them too!!
  138. love to see my guy clad in cargos an the metal watch i luvvvv!feel gud factor!
  139. love to be said a hi wen i enter class in coll... it rarely happens still wuld luv it if someone acknowledges my arrival!
  140. loveeeeeeee to rob my dads scissors!! fun aprt is to let him search for it the next day!
  141. lovee to waste cellotape wen it come sto art work! anything for art i say!!
  142. love smsing attimes... it helps wen u cant face sumone an tell things! i confessed my first crush through sms only an wah how relieved it was.. i seldom culdhav ever faced tat guy an confessed!
  143. lovee nutties,,,, misisng it too much! want it currently as i suddenly remmbrd it!
  144. loveee talking to my heart in case of problems... i question myslef an answer them too!
  145. loveeeee hari my skool mate for always makin it apoint to meet me at my palce wen ever he comes here frm madurai!
  146. love goin all spiritual attimes an lighting up the diya in fornt of god an praying!
  147. love the tensioned moments b4 i get my test paper!!especially ta part wer i chat the gayatr mantra a zillion times by then!
  148. love adorning a saree!! indian ethinic an beautiful is how it feels!! got a black designer saree yesterday for my cousins weddin!! muaaaaaah luv it
  149. lovee goin to you tube an wwatchin videos of songs i luvvv!! an well seein mushy videos attimes
  150. love the fact tat i got u through reading so much of my nonsence world lol...thank u so much for all your support!! i hereby declare u my best buddy as u put up through me an my world all long!!
well this is it its beeen almost 3 hrs i started my i love saga poor u i suggest take rest now!!
hope u liked the post an enjoyed reading it!!


At 12:20 PM , Blogger Arvind Natarajan said...

this post is one of the best posts u ve written so far,im not sayin tis jus bcoz it says a lot of goody goody things abt me but bcoz you have spent a lot of time writing it,you have written tis post straight frm ta heart,and u ve spent a lot of time in recollecting and appreciating the good things in ur life rather the blessings showered by the almighty on u,which most of us neva do

seriously tis post needs to b appreciated shriya,
good job
keep writing....i ll send a more rewarding comment 4 tis post soon :)

loadsa luv n care,
mido :)

At 10:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

U love ur Sexy inner wears?

At 8:21 AM , Blogger Asmara said...

hey....tats a nice loong one.....
Was Breathless wen i finished reading it...

At 11:14 PM , Blogger AmOrTeNTiA said...

well mr. anonymous... i don think loving wearin sexy stuff is weird,,,, to me its juts a mood enhancer cause i never ever feel im worth it an beatiful an such things with laces an cute pinks make me feel nice!an i think all girls do luv lukin gud inside too!!

At 1:19 PM , Blogger revathi said...

i knw i am reading it late..lekin kuttis...its too good..and somehow matches with my tastes too..:)


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