Monday, October 29, 2007

u can stand under my umbrella!!

"When the sun shines
We’ll shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
Said I'll always be your friend
Took an oath
I'mma stick it out 'till the end
Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we still have each other
You can stand under my Umbrella
You can stand under my Umbrella "

these verses beautifully penned by rihanna in her umbrella song seriously needs appreciation.... loved every bit of this song for its lyrics... an each time i listen to it i remmbr one lill gal [rather angel] who peeps up wenever i need her huggggg!
pikaaaaa seriously ur the best thing tat every happend to me... this blog is specially on you jus to tell ppl how much u mean to me!
a lill crazy, a lill naughty, a lil cute,a lill sexy stare,a pain sometimes,a gal i luv to argue with, a gal i luv to cry with,,,,guess tats a shot way to sum her up!!
this angel came into my life in 11th... an god how inncoent she was then!! it took a long to settle in... but not long b4 we realised we synced well as frnds!!
from neverending arguments.. throughout the day... to getting bak as frnds by evening i guess i so bloody miss those skool days..
those days wer we studied for tests crazily,fought over who is right in anything an everything,ta days wer we copied together in tests r got major scoldings in class for not listening...
this girly seems so much right for me tat it aches tat i cant meet her each morning!
from blossoming crushes to blushing faces wen got teased we both went through everything same time.....its so difficult u know to pen how much u love someone r share ur feelings abt them an till the end of this post there still be a lot unsaid which only mine an her minds would cherish....usually im the kind who loves trusting every new frnd i meet as they r the one for me an gonna b my best always it used to turn around haywire...until i met pika... well it never occurred all through skool she is the one for me [ today shes the official brides maid for me]... its only in certain ppl u feel good always... its only with certain ppl u luv sharing everything abt u without inhibitions... its only with certain ppl u don need to pretend to b sumone else.. its only with certain ppl you can cry too at even 12.30 at night r laugh abt at 1.30 am calling up late for their bday!!its only with certain ppl u wuld go out of the way sharing things u treasure the mostt it may be something as simple as a pink pencil to a cute earring someone gifted well saving up ur most favorite toblerone r hersheys r even lindt for weeks in fridge jus for tat lill person!!an i think pika is worth being tat special someone in life....!! an i guess a person who comes next to pika is prarthana an sreya my other feel gud best buddies!!
pika shes an epitome of love laughter an affection! my boyfrnds fights wit me r we hav a misunderstanding >> my heart beats call pika she will help you!!
some extraoprdinary day full of happiness >> my heart shouts out share it with pika
frndship day to valentines day to her birthday >>even b4 my heart shouts out call her im there wit the mobile in my hand callin her up.....!
feeling boared>>i call her up
if my bitchy frnds try ruining my life
>> shes to my rescue
if my negative thoughts kill me>> shes there on phone
if my tearful eyes have noone to wipe it out>> shes der to do tat
if its been longg i smiled till my tummy ached>> pikas mob gets an instant ring frm me
if theres a new dress i got or new heels or new lipgloss>> pikaa madam is there to telll her comments on it!
if its a bugging holiday>>pika is my first resort to call a find out if shes free an we can freak out!!
if my guy wants to console me but i don pick his call>> pika is his resort too
if my guy wants to knw wens my train departuring at>> pika does tat too wit a gleam on her face
if my guy wants to chat with me personally>> woohoo my angel smiles an waits for me few yards away!!
how can a gal be so selfless an totally an angel??
shes der litrerilly everytime i need herrrrr
an i need to let her know how much it felt gud wen i was so dam down abt my coll frnds in excursion... a call to her was the best thing i did!! speaking jus 20 minutes made my tearful eyes smile.. somethin even my guy cant ever do...[not degrading you buddy but werent u so happy to see me happy in few minutes?]... i spoke like for an hour with her an voila i culdnt thank the stars i slept so peacefully all nite an enjoyed the next day too in her thoughts!!
love you eunice priyanka!! n yes babe u can leave ur lill one at my place as u go shoppin wit ur hub!! i will baby sit him with loveeee! an oi better be ready to receive to even late night aft one yet another silly fight with my hub...!!my guy owes a lot to you too.... you hav been the best gal pal for him.. luv it wen u too argue an im left clueless on who to support!!an babe any probs im always there for you remmber tat ok,,, i hav always been there an i always will too!
so tats all for now girly.. an yes my fridge has choc for u frm ooty come b4 prat does to get ful share of it!! an letmme knw wen ur mum makes dough nuts miss it big time!
luv you


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