Monday, October 08, 2007

i miss u naaavaana!

hey bro,
im missing u terribly todayyyy its beeen almost 3 years since u left home to do ur higher studies... yes i am really proud an happy for you but its like this void in me at home... i dont have anyone here who will get me bubble gums aftr shopping lik eyou did... i dont have those anyone who will spend there megre pocket money just to get me birthday gift...i dont have anyone to fight with... r play with r kid around with r well spill tat sauce bottle with... it seems like everythings changed all of a sudden...i dont have any scope of listening to ur neverending out of tune heavy metal songs...i dont have anyone to share vadams with r cook up an experiment sum hot dish in ta kitchen each evening... i dont have anyone anymore who bugs me with "do u know this" kinda questions...i dont have anyone with whom i can share my collage stories with....most furstrating part is i dont enjoy going ouut as much with parents especially to restuarants wer we both used to decide ta order 4 ta day even b4 we ask permission frm dad to take us out...i dont have anyone to tickle me unbearable in ta middle of the night...i dont have anyone to chat abt gizmos an technology with...skool days used to rock.. frm those everlasting memories to silly memories wer i used to always end up wearing ur socks in a hurry each morning... r much better fight for the last drop of polish mixed with diluted water lol...i dont have anyone who will pull my plait r my tied up hair an get my scoldings 4 tat..i dont hav anyone who calls me obese unhealthy child...i miss those intellectual convos within us.... i miss those times wen we shared tat bunk bed an wer u used to scare ta shit outta me telling all kinds of horror stuff...i miss eating tat beautiful conction of urs ta bread crumb dosa... i dunno if u even remmebr tat...
life suddenly seems all changed an boaring.... yes you do call us up an talk to me ta mostttt every week frm korea... but well tat closeness we shared is kinda gone... is this wat happens wen ppl grow up anna? an i misss shouting out naaavaaannaaa evry minute.... all i see is few pics u upload once a while... u seem so different each time...this whole idea of growing up feeels so rude... i want my bro bak who used to hold my hand each timed we crossed ta road... i want ta bro who used to buy bubble 4 me each time he went out.. i want the bro who used to shuwer me with gifts each time he went outta station without me....i wanta get all childishh an get bak to being ta loving ta love u showed me......
i cant wait to see youu within a feels lik there is so much to share... so much to laught abt wit you.... make time an come here anna... i promise, u will get 2 dhabbas of vadamm each day 4 lunch on ur stay
luv u tooo muchhhhh
ur lill pesty sisss

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At 9:50 AM , Blogger Arvind Natarajan said...

tats ta sweetest post i have seen!!
straight from the heart i can see,don't worry ur brother will come to visit u soon.yeah with loadsa gifts n chocolates and bubble gums really appreciate this post shriya,very thoughtful of u.keep writing

"we miss only those ppl whom we don't want to miss."


At 9:23 AM , Blogger Arvind Natarajan said...

arre naveen anna,ur sister is craving 4 ur love.paavam anna ivo,neenga vara varaikum, naan bubble gum chocolates ellam vaangi thaaren :P

At 5:16 AM , Blogger HARI said...

shriya, tell u somethin....?
I had tears on readin this post....
I hav always craved for havin an elder bro wit whom i can fight wit,play pranks on,laugh around and fool around,confide in with confidence,trust and share all emotions completely..frankly,most of the days in my past hav been spent thinkin and weepin for this same thing-not havin an elder bro(I really don think tat sisters are cool to hang around with! :P) :(

This post is real cute..wish i had someone lik this who will care for me every moment,listen to all my nonsense,keep kottifying me on my head for every silly act of mine :P ....

Even if u hav some luvd one close to u,it can never be equalled to tat blood-close relationship-a sibling :) True,very very true 100%

I am not lucky enuf to experience all this...but u r happy 4 ya..rock on in life! :)


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